Our accreditations are testament to our unwavering investing in product development, service enhancement, and ongoing training initiatives, which is paramount to our collective, long-term and overall success. Through ongoing investment in our personnel, we continue to exceed client expectations and set new benchmarks for excellence in our industry.
BEMS & Equipment Manufacturers
We currently have system house agreements with the following BEMS and equipment manufacturers. Where required, we have the ability to adapt our skills to most modern Building Energy Management Systems
Cylon ABB Controls
Distech Controls
Trend Controls
Danfoss Drives
Control Panel Equipment
In addition to BEMs equipment, West Coast Controls stock a large range of control panel equipment manufactured by the some of the World’s leading brands, including the following:
Cylon ABB Controls
Distech Controls
Trend Controls
Danfoss Drives (agents)
Independent Accreditation Bodies
Not only does our design and installation of control systems have to meet our own high standards, but also those of the following independent accreditation bodies: Over 25 Years NICEIC (National Inspection Council Electrical Installation Contracting) / Constructionline Gold – The U.K. Register of Qualified Construction Companies / CHAS – Accreditation Advanced / SafeContractor – Approved / Acclaim – Accreditation / Reset – Certificate of Membership / Joscar – Registered / CSCS – Construction Skills Certification Scheme.

A Proud NICEIC Approved Contractor
The NICEIC is the electrical installation industry’s voluntary regulatory body for safety matters. It is a charity and was set up in 1956 to protect consumers against unsafe and unsound electrical installations. As we are an NICEIC Approved Contractor we are subject to a thorough annual assessment. The assessment includes an exacting examination of our premises, test equipment, staff qualifications and samples of their installation work.
As an NICEIC Approved Contractor we are required to:
- Carry out all work according to British Standard BS 7671 (IEE Wiring Regulations), published by the Institution of Electrical Engineers, and other relevant Codes of Practice.
- Employ competent electricians with appropriate supervision.
- Use materials that conform to the relevant British Standards.
- Possess £10m Public Liability Insurance.
- Possess £10m Proffes Liability Insurance.
Where appropriate, an NICEIC Inspecting Engineer will make an independent inspection of the installation. If a fault is found to lie with the contractor, the contractor must put it right at no extra cost to the consumer. If the contractor fails to rectify the deficiency the NICEIC will appoint another Approved Contractor to carry out the work – again at no extra cost to the consumer.